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Stegodyphus semadohensis Deshmukh, 2013 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus pacificus
Stegodyphus daliensis (Yang & Hu, 2002) | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus tibialis
Stegodyphus hisarensis Arora & Monga, 1992 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus manaus O. Kraus & M. Kraus, 1992 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus nathistmus O. Kraus & M. Kraus, 1989 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus tingelin O. Kraus & M. Kraus, 1989 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus assomptioni Berland & Millot, 1940 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus manicatus
Stegodyphus filimaculatus Lawrence, 1927 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus bicolor
Stegodyphus simoni Giltay, 1927 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus mimosarum
Stegodyphus quadriculatus Franganillo, 1926 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus lineatus
Stegodyphus affinis Tullgren, 1910 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus lineifrons
Stegodyphus sabulosus Tullgren, 1910 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus niloticus Simon, 1908 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus dufouri
Stegodyphus deserticola Purcell, 1908 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus dumicola
Stegodyphus lineatus deserticola Simon, 1908 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus lineatus
Stegodyphus simplicifrons Simon, 1906 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus tibifer Strand, 1906 | Eresidae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Stegodyphus luctuosus Simon, 1906 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus africanus
Stegodyphus duodimidiavittatus Strand, 1906 | Eresidae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Stegodyphus corallipes Simon, 1906 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus mimosarum
Stegodyphus canus Purcell, 1904 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus bicolor
Stegodyphus tentoriicola Purcell, 1904 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus socialis Pocock, 1900 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus tibialis
Stegodyphus pacificus Pocock, 1900 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus mirandus Pocock, 1899 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus lineifrons Pocock, 1898 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus dumicola Pocock, 1898 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus bettoni Pocock, 1898 | Eresidae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Stegodyphus sarasinorum Karsch, 1892 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus gregarius O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1889 | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus mimosarum
Stegodyphus mimosarum Pavesi, 1883 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus hildebrandti (Karsch, 1878) | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus manicatus Simon, 1876 | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus arenarius (Kroneberg, 1875) | Eresidae synonym = Stegodyphus lineatus
Stegodyphus bicolor (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1869) | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus tibialis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1869) | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus africanus (Blackwall, 1866) | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Loureedia annulipes (Lucas, 1857) | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus dufouri (Audouin, 1826) | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stegodyphus lineatus (Latreille, 1817) | Eresidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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