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Rothus aethiopicus (Pavesi, 1883) | Pisauridae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Rothus vittatus Simon, 1898 | Pisauridae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Rothus purpurissatus Simon, 1898 | Pisauridae synonym = Rothus aethiopicus
Rothus atlanticus Simon, 1898 | Pisauridae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Rothus catenulatus Simon, 1898 | Pisauridae synonym = Rothus aethiopicus
Rothus auratus Pocock, 1900 | Pisauridae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Rothus lineatus Pocock, 1902 | Pisauridae synonym = Rothus aethiopicus
Rothus obscurus Strand, 1907 | Pisauridae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Rothus subcatenulatus Strand, 1908 | Pisauridae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Afropisaura rothiformis (Strand, 1908) | Pisauridae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Rothus insulus (Strand, 1913) | Pisauridae synonym = Rothus aethiopicus
Rothus strandi Caporiacco, 1940 | Pisauridae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Rothus concolor Caporiacco, 1940 | Pisauridae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Rothus magnus Caporiacco, 1940 | Pisauridae synonym = Rothus aethiopicus
Rothus mossamedesus Roewer, 1955 | Pisauridae synonym = Rothus aethiopicus
Rothus vestitus Roewer, 1955 | Pisauridae synonym = Rothus aethiopicus
Rothus upembanus Roewer, 1955 | Pisauridae synonym = Rothus aethiopicus
Rothus pictus Roewer, 1955 | Pisauridae synonym = Rothus aethiopicus
1 to 18 out of 18 entries      1