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Heliophanillus fulgens (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) | Salticidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Heliophanillus lucipeta (Simon, 1890) | Salticidae synonym = Heliophanillus fulgens
Heliophanillus suedicola (Simon, 1901) | Salticidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Heliophanillus arabicus Prószyński, 1989 | Salticidae synonym = Heliophanillus fulgens
Heliophanillus metallifer Wesołowska & van Harten, 2010 | Salticidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Heliophanillus conspiciendus Wesołowska & van Harten, 2010 | Salticidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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