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The World Spider Catalog contains currently 17'702 references with relevance to spider taxonomy (100.00 % available as PDF). If you detect an article which is not listed here, please submit it as PDF either via upload form or via e-mail to wsc(at) Missing PDFs of existing references can be uploaded via the upload button at the end of the reference entry. WSCA members have free access to available PDFs.

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Wagner, W. A. (1887). Copulationsorgane des Männchens als Criterium für die Systematik der Spinnen. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae 22: 3-132, pl. 1-10.

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Wagner, W. A. (1891). Tarentula opiphex, mihi. Bulletin de la Société Imperiale des Naturalists de Moscou (n.s.) 4: 626-631, pl. 16.

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Wagner, W. A. (1894). L'industrie des Araneina. Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg (7) 42(11): 1-270.

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Wagner, W. A. (1897). Biologhitscheskia zamietki o faounié wostotschnago pobereja Tschernago moria. Trudy Imperatorskago Obtchiestwa Iestiestwoispytatelei pri St.-Peterbourgskago 27: 267-282.

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