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Zygometis albiceris (L. Koch, 1876) | Thomisidae synonym = Zygometis xanthogaster
Zygometis cristulata Simon, 1901 | Thomisidae synonym = Zygometis xanthogaster
Zygometis javana (Simon, 1895) | Thomisidae synonym = Zygometis xanthogaster
Zygometis lactea (L. Koch, 1876) | Thomisidae synonym = Zygometis xanthogaster
Zygometis multimaculata (Rainbow, 1904) | Thomisidae synonym = Zygometis xanthogaster
Zygometis tristania (Rainbow, 1900) | Thomisidae synonym = Zygometis xanthogaster
Zygometis xanthogaster (L. Koch, 1875) | Thomisidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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