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Acanthogonatus francki Karsch, 1880 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Acanthogonatus gounellei (Simon, 1886) | Pycnothelidae nomen dubium -- see genus catalog
Acanthogonatus subcalpeianus (Nicolet, 1849) | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata argentina (Simon, 1897) | Pycnothelidae synonym = Stenoterommata platensis
Stenoterommata argentinensis (Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1958) | Pycnothelidae synonym = Stenoterommata platensis
Stenoterommata arnolisei Indicatti, Lucas, Ott & Brescovit, 2008 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata bodoquena Ghirotto & Indicatti, 2021 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata chavarii Ghirotto & Indicatti, 2021 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata crassimana (Mello-Leitão, 1923) | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata crassistyla Goloboff, 1995 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata curiy Indicatti, Lucas, Ott & Brescovit, 2008 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata egric Ghirotto & Indicatti, 2021 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata grimpa Indicatti, Lucas, Ott & Brescovit, 2008 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata gugai Indicatti, Chavari, Zucatelli-Júnior, Lucas & Brescovit, 2017 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata iguazu Goloboff, 1995 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata isa Nicoletta, Panchuk, Peralta-Seen & Ferretti, 2022 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata leporina (Simon, 1891) | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata leticiae Indicatti, Chavari, Zucatelli-Júnior, Lucas & Brescovit, 2017 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata luederwaldti (Mello-Leitão, 1923) | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata maculata (Bertkau, 1880) | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata maculata (Mello-Leitão, 1923) | Pycnothelidae homonym replaced -- see Stenoterommata melloleitaoi
Stenoterommata melloleitaoi Guadanucci & Indicatti, 2004 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata neodiplornata Ghirotto & Indicatti, 2021 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata palmar Goloboff, 1995 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata pavesii Indicatti, Chavari, Zucatelli-Júnior, Lucas & Brescovit, 2017 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata peri Indicatti, Chavari, Zucatelli-Júnior, Lucas & Brescovit, 2017 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata pescador Indicatti, Chavari, Zucatelli-Júnior, Lucas & Brescovit, 2017 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata platensis Holmberg, 1881 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata quena Goloboff, 1995 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata sevegnaniae Indicatti, Chavari, Zucatelli-Júnior, Lucas & Brescovit, 2017 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata tenuistyla Goloboff, 1995 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Stenoterommata uruguai Goloboff, 1995 | Pycnothelidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
1 to 32 out of 32 entries      1