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Cyrtarachne bufo (Bösenberg & Strand, 1906) | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Poecilopachys australasia (Griffith & Pidgeon, 1833) | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Poecilopachys bispinosa (Keyserling, 1865) | Araneidae synonym = Poecilopachys australasia
Poecilopachys jenningsi (Rainbow, 1899) | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Poecilopachys minutissima Chrysanthus, 1971 | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Poecilopachys setosa (Keyserling, 1886) | Araneidae synonym = Poecilopachys australasia
Poecilopachys speciosa (L. Koch, 1872) | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
Poecilopachys verrucosa (L. Koch, 1871) | Araneidae accepted detail page | genus catalog
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