Family: Liphistiidae Thorell, 1869 [] Back

Gen. Liphistius Schiødte, 1849 [ ]
N.B.: the original spelling Lipistius was emended to Liphistius by Thorell, 1869: 13 and the latter is on the Official List of Family and Generic Names in Zoology (Levi, 1968d, ICZN, 1970); considered a senior synonym of Anadiastothele Simon, 1903a: 875 [] (type A. thorelli Simon, 1903 = Liphistius sumatranus Thorell, 1890) by Bristowe, 1933a: 1030 (implicitly by transfer of the type species).
Status: accepted
Last updated
Described in
Schiødte, 1849b: 621 (type Liphistius desultor Schiødte, 1849; gender masculine)
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Schiødte, J. C. (1849b). Om en afvigende Slægt af Spindlernes Orden. Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift (2) 2(6): 617-624, pl. 4(2). [for the spelling of the name see Schiødte in Wikipedia] download pdf

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